The shipbuilding industry is facing several challenges. Increased customer demand must be balanced against customer supply chain uncertainty, new regulatory requirements and an industry-wide effort to reduce carbon emissions. 

Lockdowns and the pandemic response have caused significant economic shock. But despite this, the shipbuilding industry continues to grow, expected to top $178 billion by 2026.  

More than increased volume of demand however, shipbuilders must contend with a changing list of customer requirements. New ships need to be more eco-friendly, efficient, and cost-effective. And they need to be delivered more quickly too.  

Digital transformation – the use of data to make smarter strategic decisions – is going to be essential to overcoming the challenges of the future. However, an over-reliance on legacy processes and systems means that shipbuilders are now struggling to keep pace with industry change. A lack of operational visibility makes it harder than ever to meet customer requirements and regulatory demands while containing costs and maintaining profitability. 

Tired of project overruns? EcoSys can help.

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Key Benefits of EcoSys for the Shipbuilding Industry

EcoSys helps you manage a high volume of complex projects, giving you the tools to ensure projects are delivered on-time and within budget. Improve your project performance through:

Data Excellence

Improve access to data for portfolio management and project estimations. Your teams will be able to work more efficiently and accurately. 

Project Excellence

Achieve complete end-to-end visibility of every project using industry 4.0 concepts for on-the-fly improvements and adjustments. 

Forecasting Excellence

Use data to improve the accuracy, reliability and timeliness of forecasting to avoid project delays and cost overruns. 

Better Management Delivers Greater Returns

Collecting, analyzing, sharing, and actioning data more effectively provides the basis for improved operations, product quality, customer service, and site safety. The digitally mature shipbuilder uses this data to make informed strategic decisions that deliver greater returns more quickly and help to better manage projects and budgets in the face of market uncertainty. 

This eBook outlines the three main challenges facing shipbuilders – and how to overcome them all using data more intelligently. You’ll also read how one shipbuilder uses EcoSys Enterprise Project Performance to handle 25 million transactions – and improve their shipbuilding processes too.

Download Shipbuilding eBook

Integrate Strategy with Project Planning and Delivery

EcoSys brings together critical project data into a single, integrated solution for project portfolio management, project controls and project management. Full visibility into the performance of projects helps you avoid risks and issues before they occur. See measurable improvements to key business processes like:

Portfolio Planning & Management

  • Create, organize and manage portfolios in alignment with company strategy.
  • Define evaluation criteria, then score and select projects to add to portfolios.
  • Create unlimited budget versions and plan multi-year budgets
  • Optimize portfolios to ensure maximum value and impact to goals and objectives.

Project & Contract Planning

  • Create projects using standards, templates and flexible coding structures.
  • Develop detailed milestones and schedules to monitor and track performance.
  • Integrate schedule and cost information to create time-phased baselines.
  • Develop accurate cash flow forecasts.

Cost Controls

  • Analyze project cost data using up-to-date dashboards and reports.
  • Compare commitments to budgets and actuals.
  • Gain key insights based on accurate information to inform corrective action.
  • Manage and control the cost impact of changes, risks and issues using EcoSys Visual Workflows.

Budgeting & Forecasting

  • Create accurate budgets to avoid overruns.
  • Develop detailed cashflows with integrated cost and schedule.
  • Manage and control changes and contingency use.
  • Manage costs, quantities and hours for any number of budget types and revisions.
  • Accurately predict project outcomes with forecasting methods based on industry best practices.
  • Utilize unique metrics to improve project predictability.